Category Archives: Uncategorized

If You Had One Day

Sometimes we feel that we are lost in the forest of life and we do not see the big picture or a way to clarity, There may be many things uncertain, we may not be present (too much mental chatter), … Continue reading

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How do we self-sabotage? We know what the right thing to do is, but we do not do it. For example, we may know that certain food or behavior is not good for us and we need to avoid them. … Continue reading

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On becoming Your Best Friend

Will you commit to accept and support yourself no matter what you may experience? If your answer is yes, congratulations!  You are a great friend to yourself. If your answer is no or you hesitated a bit, congratulations! There is … Continue reading

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Feeling Lost

Last week I was late to my dance class due to a late meeting at work. As I was driving to my class, at a stop light, I tried to make a phone call. It made a wrong call and … Continue reading

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Worst Case Scenarios

I have created many worst-case scenarios in my mind and majority of them have never materialized. They ranged from simple daily concerns to career and financial security. We sometimes are ‘certain’ that disaster will happen, and as the result we … Continue reading

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Thief of Your Joy

What is the biggest obstacle to experiencing your joy? Think of past few days about situations when you were upset and lost your joy. What was the root cause of your loss of joy and peace? When people and life … Continue reading

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Worry, Hope and Faith

Worry, hope and faith. We have them all.  What are they and how are they related? What worry and hope have in common is future. Worry is about a gloomy future that we try to avoid and control. Hope is an … Continue reading

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Check In Your Luggage

Have you traveled by a car while resting your heavy luggage on your lap? Have you gone hiking while carrying a heavy luggage? Have you gone to a dinner with a friend while taking all your books with you in a … Continue reading

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Lucky or Blessed?

We all have experienced kind and impact-full loving people in our lives. Strangers who show up out of nowhere, stay around for few minutes or years. Sometimes even family members fulfill that role. I had many people who have had played … Continue reading

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Lack of Trust

Imagine a toddler is being tossed up in the air by a parent. Typically, the toddler will laugh while being caught by the parent. Why is the toddler laughing? He/she is enjoying the experience while the toddler has complete trust … Continue reading

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Letting Go

You have heard the phrase, “Let it go and become free”. You may ask, how can one let go of big hurts and disappointments? It is not easy to let go of big issues and yet is doable. It is … Continue reading

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Invisible Walls

We erect invisible walls defining who we are and how we should function within those walls. How do we recognize such walls? Those walls can be felt and sensed. As we get close to those walls in boundaries of our … Continue reading

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You Matter!

One of the most read popular blogs in the past ten years is titled “You matter”. Why this subject is so popular? I think deep down we know our presence matters and makes a difference. However sometimes our mind and … Continue reading

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Why You Want a Long Life?

I have met young people who do not seem to care how long they may live.  I have met older people who are enthusiastic about life, even in their wheel chairs.  I know people whose total focus in their life … Continue reading

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Our Choices

Do you believe in astrology? Numerology? I do! Why? I have seen some information about me that has been very accurate. Does it mean that we are predestined for fixed events and do not have free will? We all have … Continue reading

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End Of Curiosity

When was the last time you were curious about your spouse, partner or friend? What makes one curious? If you think you know about something or someone, will you still be curious? If you know something will not change, will … Continue reading

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Our life is full of trauma!  Imagine an unborn child who takes the journey from the safety of mother’s womb to come into an unfamiliar world. Can you imagine how different those two worlds are? We are born into the … Continue reading

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Void Within

Sometimes the urge for connection and closeness is so intense and deeply rooted that we may unconsciously do anything to feel connected.  We may socialize with friends who are not in our best interest. We may allow people to literally … Continue reading

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Message for the New Year

Happy New Year!   2012 is about accelerating our remembering of who we are and what we can do by challenging our long held beliefs and habits. It is a time to bypass the lengthy and life time processes of doing … Continue reading

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Tending To Your Garden Within

To live life fully with joy requires one to know self without the filters of societal conditioning, familial conditioning and one’s ego. These filters block our vision and the truth of who we really are and how we are connected … Continue reading

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