Category Archives: Nurturing

Two Sides of the Golden Rule

The Golden Rule says do to others what you want to be done to you. Do you follow this rule? Many spiritual people do. You may love or care for humanity. You may be a forgiving person that forgives others … Continue reading

Posted in consciousness, Discovery, Mind, Nurturing | Tagged , , , | 10 Comments

When kindness is Very Unkind

We all are here to learn our lessons and most of the time the learning is through some kind of emotional and/or physical pain. When a toddler starts walking, he/she at first will fall down, feel scared and even may get … Continue reading

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Find Your Voice, Save Your Life, Volume 4: Transcendent Men, Real Stories

I am one of the contributing authors for the upcoming book “Find Your Voice, Save Your Life, Volume 4: Transcendent Men, Real Stories”, which is tentatively scheduled to be launched on Amazon on August 2nd. The title of my chapter … Continue reading

Posted in Being Present, Nurturing, reflection | Tagged , , , | 11 Comments

Distraction: A Double Edged Sword

There are situations where distraction is a must and there are situations where focus is a must. Let us look at both situations and rational and need for both cases. In some situations distraction can be disastrous and focusing is … Continue reading

Posted in Being Present, Discovery, Mind, Nurturing, reflection | Tagged , , , , , | 17 Comments

Wardrobe Change

Have you ever caught yourself saying, today is going to be a miserable day and you were correct?  Have you ever predicted a great day and you were correct?  We may not have control over events in our daily life; however, how … Continue reading

Posted in consciousness, Discovery, Feelings, love, Nurturing, reflection | Tagged , , , | 14 Comments

Motivations Matters

Our motivation in doing things provides us clues regarding our consciousness and self-awareness. To know ourselves, it is crucial to understand our own motivations in doing things – without judging or condemning ourselves. Why do I want to live? Why … Continue reading

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Last week, I pondered on a serious question. Do I accept myself with all of my perceived “shortcomings”? Have I accepted my ‘shortcomings’ such as: fear, impatience, need for connection, or supper sensitivity without judging myself as defective? Is my acceptance … Continue reading

Posted in Being Present, consciousness, Discovery, Nurturing, reflection | Tagged , , , , | 13 Comments

What Do You Need?

What do you need? This is one of the most intimate questions we may ask ourselves or others. It is a much different question than what are your plans for the future or questions to reflect on the past, which are mental … Continue reading

Posted in Being Present, Discovery, Feelings, Nurturing | Tagged , , , , , | 12 Comments

World Events

These days we may feel sad, angry, disappointed and helpless due to news of the events. We also may feel inspired by the courage, bravery, sacrifice and resiliency of people mentioned in the news. The other day, I realized my … Continue reading

Posted in Being Present, consciousness, Discovery, Nurturing, reflection | Tagged , , , , , , | 12 Comments

Feeling of Death and Re-birth

Have you ever felt that you have died and then are re-birthed? I experienced the duality of two feelings at its peak last weekend. I have had my belongings in storage for the past six years in Austin, Texas. Last … Continue reading

Posted in Being Present, consciousness, Discovery, Feelings, Nurturing, reflection | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 12 Comments

Freedom and Safety

We choose between freedom and safety every day. Some of the reasons for choosing safety can be our current responsibilities, our health, our upbringings or fear of the unknown. As we mature and our responsibilities change, we may lose the … Continue reading

Posted in Being Present, consciousness, Discovery, Nurturing, reflection | 11 Comments

Two Mantras

Have you been in situations that your mind was racing and you were offended about something that someone had said or done? How did you resolve such situations? The way that I have resolved such situations lately is doing two … Continue reading

Posted in Being Present, consciousness, Discovery, Nurturing, reflection | Tagged , , , , , | 11 Comments

Welcome Home!

In many traditions holding on to anger, hate, jealousy, judgement, regret, worry, self-pity, and shame are prohibited. Why? Because it hurts the person physically, emotionally and spiritually. Most of us have forgotten our natural state of peace and joy, therefore, … Continue reading

Posted in Being Present, consciousness, Discovery, love, Nurturing, reflection | Tagged , , , , , , , | 11 Comments

How To Unstuck Yourself?

If you want to unstuck yourself. , you need to take a small uncomfortable step. I like to share two of my experiences when I have felt stuck, and how small uncomfortable steps unstuck my situations. I was debugging my … Continue reading

Posted in consciousness, Discovery, Feelings, Mind, Nurturing, reflection, Tools/Techniques | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Why Me?

Am I being punished? We can understand why ‘bad’ people may go through hardships. They may deserve it! We do not understand why good and loving people go through hardships. It does not seem deserving. The hardships we may go … Continue reading

Posted in consciousness, Discovery, Mind, Nurturing | Tagged , , , | 13 Comments


Smile as if you see your beloved. Continue reading

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Love and Respect

Do love and respect go together? Can you love yourself and have no respect for self? Can you love  the environment and not to respect it by damaging it? Can you love someone and not show respect by not being … Continue reading

Posted in Discovery, love, Nurturing, Uncategorized | 16 Comments

Personal Resurrection

I was in a group meditation couple of days ago. People were discussing meaning of Easter at a personal level. When I was younger, I thought we just die once. Overt time, I have realized that is not true! Many … Continue reading

Posted in Discovery, Nurturing | 1 Comment

Symphony of My Heart is Available on Amazon

I am very excited to announce availability my latest book,Symphony of My Heart, on Amazon. Book Description We seek to experience the divine through our relationships. Our longing to experience the divine starts in childhood through our parents and extends … Continue reading

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Prayer and Connection

Couple of days ago, I was reminded that we have free will. That means if we need help, spirit and guides will not interfere until we ask for help first. That drew me to re-visit and investigate how to connect, … Continue reading

Posted in consciousness, Discovery, Nurturing | 1 Comment