Welcome Home!

In many traditions holding on to anger, hate, jealousy, judgement, regret, worry, self-pity, and shame are prohibited. Why?

Because it hurts the person physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Most of us have forgotten our natural state of peace and joy, therefore, we need reminders and rewards.

We can read books about love and how beautiful it is. But, unless we allow ourselves to experience it, it stays as a mental concept.

The same applies to not holding on to negative emotions. Unless we experience the absence of those sticky emotions, it stays as a mental concept.

You may ask, how can one let go of hurt or disappointments?

At first, it is not easy! It is like letting a piece of you die (death of ego). It is painful. Over time, practice of letting go becomes easier and easier (start with small steps and celebrate your successes).

This is not much different than going to the gym. At first, it is hard and sometimes painful. Over time, you feel better about yourself and you look forward to feeling alive in your body.

As we practice letting go (does not mean approving behaviors of others), we feel more joy and peace. This at first, may show up for 10 seconds at a time! The duration will increase dramatically over time.

Letting go is an ultimate form of self-love. Wouldn’t you want to feel calm, joyful, loving, more productive and alive regardless of chaos around you?

As you keep practicing letting go of sticky emotions, without judgment or blame, a gradual shift happens in you.

You will start feeling joyful without any complex reasons!  A sip of coffee, a chirp of a bird, touch of a tree, hearing a song, feeling a fresh cool breeze, a hug, a text may burst out the joy within you.

At first, you may ask yourself, “What is wrong?  Why am I so happy? I have not accomplished anything this morning!  Shouldn’t I be more ‘successful’ to feel this happiness?”

Nothing is wrong and many things are right.

You now regularly tap into the sweet nectar of joy and peace within.

Congratulations and welcome home!

Copyright @2021 by Shervin Hojat

About Shervin

Author, Teacher, Poet, Engineer
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