Category Archives: Mind

Two Sides of the Golden Rule

The Golden Rule says do to others what you want to be done to you. Do you follow this rule? Many spiritual people do. You may love or care for humanity. You may be a forgiving person that forgives others … Continue reading

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Pain a Cure to be Present

Don’t get lost in your pain, know that one day your pain will become your cure. ~ Rumi Most people do not appreciate all the blessings they have. They take their blessings for granted and they become busy wanting more and plant … Continue reading

Posted in Being Present, Discovery, Feelings, Mind | Tagged , , , | 11 Comments

Distraction: A Double Edged Sword

There are situations where distraction is a must and there are situations where focus is a must. Let us look at both situations and rational and need for both cases. In some situations distraction can be disastrous and focusing is … Continue reading

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Motivations Matters

Our motivation in doing things provides us clues regarding our consciousness and self-awareness. To know ourselves, it is crucial to understand our own motivations in doing things – without judging or condemning ourselves. Why do I want to live? Why … Continue reading

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You may not be aware of all your tenants who may compel you to react to events based on their presence. Just sit down and be quiet for couple of minutes. Can you hear them? What do they say? What … Continue reading

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How To Unstuck Yourself?

If you want to unstuck yourself. , you need to take a small uncomfortable step. I like to share two of my experiences when I have felt stuck, and how small uncomfortable steps unstuck my situations. I was debugging my … Continue reading

Posted in consciousness, Discovery, Feelings, Mind, Nurturing, reflection, Tools/Techniques | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Why Me?

Am I being punished? We can understand why ‘bad’ people may go through hardships. They may deserve it! We do not understand why good and loving people go through hardships. It does not seem deserving. The hardships we may go … Continue reading

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What If

We all dream and sometimes can remember our dreams. Some of our dreams are as real and vivid as our awake life. Some of our dreams are terrifying and some of them are yummy and joyful. It is fun to … Continue reading

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The Roles We Play

Whatever temporary roles we are playing, whether we like them or not, can help us become a better or a bitter version of us
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Junk Food of Soul

Do you consume junk food? If no, how do you manage staying off junk food? When I was younger I used to consume junk food. Later on, I realized that eating junk food makes me agitated. I am no longer … Continue reading

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When Short Term Becomes Permanent

When we are in transition, we may take several short term actions toward our ultimate goal. Many short term actions may end up becoming permanent without even realizing it. What are some of the important short term decisions that may … Continue reading

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I am not worthy!!!

Many of us have such a belief. What are the drawbacks with the belief that you are not worthy? You will not be happy and calm except for few seconds when you accomplish something worthy. You need to prove your … Continue reading

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Your Life Is Precious

You have heard that life is precious and we need to appreciate it. But why, if most of the time we feel less than great about our lives. It is because we have taken many things for granted. Have you … Continue reading

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Safeguard Your Sanctuary

Would you allow bugs to crawl into your room every morning? I would assume most people you would say, no! Your room and home is your sanctuary. The bugs may disturb your peace of mind. Many times, out of habit, … Continue reading

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How To Reduce Suffering

In my experience, steps required to reduce our suffering and allowing more joy in our lives are to feel our emotions and let go of our stories that created those emotions! What do I mean by this? If you feel … Continue reading

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Experiencing Our True Nature

“Awakening is not changing who you are but discarding who you are not.”  Deepak Chopra   By experiencing more of our true nature, we can reduce suffering and experience more joy even while everything outside is in a chaos. To … Continue reading

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You Matter!

One of the most read popular blogs in the past ten years is titled “You matter”. Why this subject is so popular? I think deep down we know our presence matters and makes a difference. However sometimes our mind and … Continue reading

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I Have No Choice

How do you react to a situation that you want it to change and you feel you cannot do it?  What is your internal dialogue? You are unhappy in your current job and feel a lot of stress. What do … Continue reading

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Only My Way!!!

When we are attached to our beliefs, we may defend our beliefs at the cost of truth our integrity, and our peace of mind. Most of us are not aware of our attachment to our beliefs, yet we can identify … Continue reading

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Loss of Loved one

As part of life, most of us will experience loss of our parents which may shake foundation of our emotional and physical security. People react to a loss differently. Some stay angry about the loss. Some stay numb for a … Continue reading

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