Engineer Your Joy

I can help you

  • Understand obstacles to your important relationships and how to overcome them
  • Release your fear and stress
  • Bridge from your desire to your purpose
  • Turn I wish to I will and live the life you want
  • Connect to your deep Emotional Self
  • Express your needs without sounding needy
  • Stop self-sabotage and accept your true Self

You are at this site because you want to do better with your life.

You want to improve your relationships.

You are overwhelmed with emotions and want to deal with them effectively.

You are experiencing shame and blame; it is a sign that you are ready to grow.

You want to find your true value.

You want to break co-dependent cycles.

Coaching, love cards, ancestral influences, conscious language, body language and emotional awareness are some of the modalities I utilize to help you know yourself and reach your goals.

If you are ready to manifest your deepest dreams and desires and change your life, contact me at for an exploratory session to investigate  your dreams and aspirations (All sessions with Shervin is CONFIDENTIAL and I respect your privacy).

To learn more about me go to ABOUT page.


42 Responses to Engineer Your Joy

  1. Sandra D. Polster says:

    Hello again,
    I wanted to revisit the guest article proposal I emailed you about previously. I’m still hoping to contribute an article to your site that will empower individuals to become their own marketing department.
    Could you kindly inform me if my article would be suitable for publication on your platform? Your guidance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

    All the best,
    Sandra D. Polster

    P.S. If you would like to explore a different topic from the one suggested, I am more than willing to accommodate your preferences. Alternatively, if you prefer not to receive any more emails from me in the future, kindly inform me and I will respect your decision.

  2. Emma Grace Brown says:

    Hello again,

    I’m following up on the article pitch I sent your way. I’m still enthusiastic about writing an article for you offering non-college grads who are aspiring SBOs resources for getting started on their entrepreneurial journey.

    Could you please let me know if you’re interested in posting an article from me?

    Grateful for your time,
    E.G. Brown

    ~Just in case you’d like to explore a different article topic, I’m all ears! Feel free to share your suggestions anytime. And, of course, if you’d rather not hear from me in the future, just drop me a line.

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