We all have experienced kind and impact-full loving people in our lives.
Strangers who show up out of nowhere, stay around for few minutes or years. Sometimes even family members fulfill that role.
I had many people who have had played that important role in my life. Family members such as my dear aunt and strangers played roles of teachers and friends.
You may think you were lucky when met that special person. Now you may not feel lucky, especially if that person no longer is around. After all, how many times can you become lucky in your lifetime?
Many of us are in lack mentality. We try to hold on the good things and avoid the unpleasant. We may be believing that there are only limited good things going around or we do not deserve unlimited blessings.
Look at the events in your life. How many times have you been lucky? How many times unsettling events turn out positively?
Were all of those events pure luck? Or something else?
If we accept concept of pure luck, then loosing people that we appreciate, the job we love, all cause us pain and suffering.
If we focus on source of our blessings, then life transitions are much less traumatic and painful and we always feel connected and blessed.
Over times, I have come to understanding that the force behind the scene brings events, people to me for my own good. This force whose by-product are many blessings is felt as joy and appreciation in my heart.
I may lose a job that I loved which was supporting me for many years. Another job will show up out of nowhere in a timely manner. I may not physically be with my mother right now, but other people show up from nowhere, provide motherly love and support toward me, when I need it.
I have learned to be appreciative of people and events. I also I know it is important not to be attached to the job or the people. They all may disappear; but there is only one constant.
I have realized what stays constant is the support and blessings that I continuously receive from the Universe (even though at times I may be blinded to it).
Looking back, the support has been constant. It does not mean I did not feel pain or suffered due to my own resistance, beliefs or mindset. I have received the essentials needed for my survival, spiritual and personal growth up till now.
How many times have you been lucky? How many times unsettling events turn out positively?
Were all of those events pure luck? Or something else?
Copyright @2019 by Shervin Hojat