I love interacting with people. The most enjoyable times of my life is when I am teaching as a university lecturer, as a mentor, as a soccer coach, or one-on-one counseling.

I was born in Tehran, Iran, and as a teenager, left my family and what I was familiar with and started a new life as a student in the USA. I adjusted to my new reality fairly well despite a new language, culture and customs. I received my PhD degree in Electrical Engineering in 1986. I have two children.

For many years I have been searching for spirituality and my life’s purpose. My next major adjustment to my reality and my life was my father’s fatal accident in 2006. This event was a catalyst for my personal transformation and growth. I wrote Tend to Your Garden Within in 2008, in which I have documented my thoughts, emotions, and inspiration, through poems and short articles.

I have been wondering many times about my purpose in life. I have been questioning my limiting beliefs and how they have shaped my life and my relationships. I have changed many of my limiting beliefs which are like moving to another country with new culture and customs (again). I have immersed myself into many spiritual modalities and studied those which resonated with me. I have had many great teachers for which I am very grateful.

My background in Electrical Engineering has enabled me to do research effectively and heavily use the left side of my brain. I have realized that I require a balance between my left and right brain by connecting effectively with my heart.

I am sharing with you tools and techniques that have enabled me to challenge my beliefs, accept and love myself and improve my relationships.

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