The Roles We Play

We all play different roles in the cast of life as part of our becoming.

All the roles we play are temporary and they will end someday.

The result of roles we play, transformations occur within us (positive or not).

Some of the roles we play are by our choice, and some are not.  Environment of some of our roles may not be our choice either.

For example, we all have to play the role of a child (no choice), with a varying family environment.

Some of our roles may be:

  • We play the role of a child who receives lots of love, a little or no love.
  • We play the role of a famous person, average person or an unknown person.
  • We play the role of a parent whose child performs great or performs less than average at school.
  • We play the role of an individual, who may experience good or bad health.

It is important we do not allow our temporary roles, transform us in a negative way!

Our negative transformation happens when we attach our identity (who we are) to our roles. This is when our ego and programming kicks in a high gear.

For example:

  • We may play the role of a person who struggles with finances, but we cannot allow it as a result of identifying with the role to turn us bitter and blaming.
  • We may play the role of advocate for justice, but cannot allow it as a result of identifying with the role to turn us into an unjust person.
  • We may play a role of advocating for peace, but cannot allow as a result of identifying with the role to turn us into a combative individual.
  • We may play a role of helping humanity, but cannot allow as a result of identifying with the role turn us into an uncaring and arrogant individual.

Whatever temporary roles we are playing, whether we like them or not, can help us become a better or a bitter version of us.

Humility, honesty, acceptance during our role playing are our allies in the journey of experiencing a better version of us.

Copyright @2021 by Shervin Hojat

About Shervin

Author, Teacher, Poet, Engineer
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