Tag Archives: Shervin Hojat

What are you focusing on?

What have you been preoccupied with and focusing on lately? This is a worthwhile question to ask every day. A good friend of mine sent me a lively tango video of two cute elderly couples dancing tango in an open … Continue reading

Posted in Being Present, Discovery, Feelings, reflection | Tagged , , , , , | 11 Comments

Two Mantras

Have you been in situations that your mind was racing and you were offended about something that someone had said or done? How did you resolve such situations? The way that I have resolved such situations lately is doing two … Continue reading

Posted in Being Present, consciousness, Discovery, Nurturing, reflection | Tagged , , , , , | 11 Comments

Welcome Home!

In many traditions holding on to anger, hate, jealousy, judgement, regret, worry, self-pity, and shame are prohibited. Why? Because it hurts the person physically, emotionally and spiritually. Most of us have forgotten our natural state of peace and joy, therefore, … Continue reading

Posted in Being Present, consciousness, Discovery, love, Nurturing, reflection | Tagged , , , , , , , | 11 Comments

Your Life is Precious

You have heard that life is precious and we need to appreciate it. But why, if most of the time we feel less than great about our lives. It is because we have taken many things for granted. Have you … Continue reading

Posted in Being Present, consciousness, Discovery, Epi-genetics, Feelings | Tagged , , , , , , | 15 Comments

How To Unstuck Yourself?

If you want to unstuck yourself. , you need to take a small uncomfortable step. I like to share two of my experiences when I have felt stuck, and how small uncomfortable steps unstuck my situations. I was debugging my … Continue reading

Posted in consciousness, Discovery, Feelings, Mind, Nurturing, reflection, Tools/Techniques | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

What If

We all dream and sometimes can remember our dreams. Some of our dreams are as real and vivid as our awake life. Some of our dreams are terrifying and some of them are yummy and joyful. It is fun to … Continue reading

Posted in consciousness, Discovery, Mind, reflection | Tagged , , , , , , , | 9 Comments

The Roles We Play

Whatever temporary roles we are playing, whether we like them or not, can help us become a better or a bitter version of us
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Posted in Discovery, love, Mind | Tagged , , , , , | 14 Comments

Reflecting On Valentine’s Day

It is very desirable to be able to share care and love with those who we enjoy their company. However, we need to keep in mind the person who is responsible for making us feel loved, is ourselves!  It is the … Continue reading

Posted in Discovery, Feelings, love | Tagged , , , , , , | 13 Comments

Junk Food of Soul

Do you consume junk food? If no, how do you manage staying off junk food? When I was younger I used to consume junk food. Later on, I realized that eating junk food makes me agitated. I am no longer … Continue reading

Posted in consciousness, Discovery, Mind | Tagged , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Lack of Trust

Imagine a toddler is being tossed up in the air by a parent. Typically, the toddler will laugh while being caught by the parent. Why is the toddler laughing? He/she is enjoying the experience while the toddler has complete trust … Continue reading

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