Category Archives: reflection

Welcome Home!

In many traditions holding on to anger, hate, jealousy, judgement, regret, worry, self-pity, and shame are prohibited. Why? Because it hurts the person physically, emotionally and spiritually. Most of us have forgotten our natural state of peace and joy, therefore, … Continue reading

Posted in Being Present, consciousness, Discovery, love, Nurturing, reflection | Tagged , , , , , , , | 11 Comments

How To Unstuck Yourself?

If you want to unstuck yourself. , you need to take a small uncomfortable step. I like to share two of my experiences when I have felt stuck, and how small uncomfortable steps unstuck my situations. I was debugging my … Continue reading

Posted in consciousness, Discovery, Feelings, Mind, Nurturing, reflection, Tools/Techniques | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

What If

We all dream and sometimes can remember our dreams. Some of our dreams are as real and vivid as our awake life. Some of our dreams are terrifying and some of them are yummy and joyful. It is fun to … Continue reading

Posted in consciousness, Discovery, Mind, reflection | Tagged , , , , , , , | 9 Comments