Check In Your Luggage

Have you traveled by a car while resting your heavy luggage on your lap?

Have you gone hiking while carrying a heavy luggage?

Have you gone to a dinner with a friend while taking all your books with you in a big backpack?

Above scenarios do not sound fun and are stressful to your body.

You may laugh and say that most people do not do what I am mentioning.

I agree! It is easy to become aware of physical heavy load and not carry it with us everywhere.  

There are other loads that we carry around with us without being aware of them. They are emotional and psychological loads.

I can tell by my own experience; those loads are harder on my body than load of heavy books in a luggage!

What makes emotional and psychological load heavy?

Fear, regret, resentment, and judgement create a heavy load.

Most of us maybe carrying those heavy loads and are used to them.

You may ask, how do I know if I am carrying the load?

It is simple and requires paying attention.

Is your life often joyful without any reason?

Do you feel relaxed during day or waiting for the other shoe to drop?

Do you worry a lot?

Do you care more about happiness of others than your own?

Do you have chronic pain in your body?

Do you do things out of obligation (with resentment that may not be aware of) or try to do them with joy?

Pay attention to your breathing and body. If you feel tense you are carrying luggage and a load!!!

Does this luggage and load really belong to you? Does it serve you by owing and carrying it?

Do yourself a big favor.

 Leave the luggage behind as if you check in at an airport. It is free to check them in!

Become free like a bird and enjoy yourself for few hours or minutes. You will appreciate the difference.

After-all, the luggage may not be your luggage and you may decide not to re-claim it.

Or you decide you like to move around freely and you let go of content of those luggage.

Copyright @2019 by Shervin Hojat

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Lucky or Blessed?

We all have experienced kind and impact-full loving people in our lives.

Strangers who show up out of nowhere, stay around for few minutes or years. Sometimes even family members fulfill that role.

I had many people who have had played that important role in my life.  Family members such as my dear aunt and strangers played roles of teachers and friends.

You may think you were lucky when met that special person. Now you may not feel lucky, especially if that person no longer is around. After all, how many times can you become lucky in your lifetime?

Many of us are in lack mentality. We try to hold on the good things and avoid the unpleasant. We may be believing that there are only limited good things going around or we do not deserve unlimited blessings.

Look at the events in your life. How many times have you been lucky? How many times unsettling events turn out positively?

Were all of those events pure luck? Or something else?

If we accept concept of pure luck, then loosing people that we appreciate, the job we love, all cause us pain and suffering.

 If we focus on source of our blessings, then life transitions are much less traumatic and painful and we always feel connected and blessed.

Over times, I have come to understanding that the force behind the scene brings events, people to me for my own good. This force whose by-product are many blessings is felt as joy and appreciation in my heart.

I may lose a job that I loved which was supporting me for many years. Another job will show up out of nowhere in a timely manner. I may not physically be with my mother right now, but other people show up from nowhere, provide motherly love and support toward me, when I need it.

I have learned to be appreciative of people and events. I also I know it is important not to be attached to the job or the people. They all may disappear; but there is only one constant.

I have realized what stays constant is the support and blessings that I continuously receive from the Universe (even though at times I may be blinded to it).

 Looking back, the support has been constant. It does not mean I did not feel pain or suffered due to my own resistance, beliefs or mindset. I have received the essentials needed for my survival, spiritual and personal growth up till now.

How many times have you been lucky? How many times unsettling events turn out positively?

Were all of those events pure luck? Or something else?

Copyright @2019 by Shervin Hojat

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Lack of Trust

Imagine a toddler is being tossed up in the air by a parent. Typically, the toddler will laugh while being caught by the parent.

Why is the toddler laughing?

He/she is enjoying the experience while the toddler has complete trust in the parent.

As we grow older, the Universe acts as our parent. It tosses up in the air and tests our trust.

Our reactions depends on how much trust and faith we have in the Universe.

If we trust that we are taken care of, we may smile or at least are not be frightened of unknown (how safely and where we may land).

Having faith and trust in the Universe does not mean we abdicate our share of responsibilities. We do our best with focus and joy. We trust that the best outcome will happen and it will be in our best interest for our spiritual growth.

How do we build more trust in the Universe?

By welcoming the unknown with more joy and open heart.

Look at aspects of your life that you may be controlling or worried excessively. Most likely, at some level it is due to lack of trust.

Copyright @2019 by Shervin Hojat

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Personal Resurrection

I was in a group meditation couple of days ago. People were discussing meaning of Easter at a personal level.

When I was younger, I thought we just die once. Overt time, I have realized that is not true!

Many times, I have thought that I was dying (emotionally and physically) due to some challenges I had faced. When beliefs about our identity is challenged, we may feel that we are dying mainly by avoiding and judging certain unwanted feelings (fear, disappointment, shame, guilt). 

Some major sources of triggers of unwanted feelings are due to loss of job, breakup off of friendships, financial hardship, forced retirement, lack of mobility, loss of loved ones, etc. 

It is difficult to witness death of our ego and image of who we are (or should be). We have invested decades in building it up.  We may think it is impossible to survive death of our ego and who we think we are- that is very frightening at first. 

Most of us manage through our life challenges. Over our life time, we die to some aspects of ourselves.  We then have our own personal resurrection and miracle we can celebrate and cherish. We may become more alive as the result.

To me, one metaphor of Easter is dying to our fears, our limiting beliefs, and our ego and miraculously resurrecting to our new and truer Self. 

Copyright @2019 by Shervin Hojat

Posted in Discovery, Nurturing | 1 Comment

Letting Go

You have heard the phrase, “Let it go and become free”.

You may ask, how can one let go of big hurts and disappointments?

It is not easy to let go of big issues and yet is doable.

It is like wanting to get in shape.

You do not start with running in a big marathon to get in shape. You start with small steps, like walking or biking every day first.

In letting go, you also start small. You make letting go of small things a practice and a habit.

 As your habit is stabilized and you realize value of letting go (even small things), you become your own advocate for letting go of big things that seem impossible to release.

What are some small steps you can take in letting go of?

  • Let go of anger about driver who cuts you off on the road. Focus on what is going well on the road instead.
  • Let go of disappointment about your mistakes and shortcomings. Focus on what things you have done right and not acknowledged.
  • Let go of memory of hard day at work. Take a warm shower, or walk in nature.

Letting go is similar to building muscle and strength.

Letting go requires practice and patience.

Letting go requires having compassion for yourself and others.

Letting go requires valuing your peace more than fighting to be right to satisfy your ego. 

What a small issue can you let go of now?

Copyright @2019 by Shervin Hojat

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Invisible Walls

We erect invisible walls defining who we are and how we should function within those walls.

How do we recognize such walls?

Those walls can be felt and sensed.

As we get close to those walls in boundaries of our lives, at first, we have feeling of contraction and fear.

Observe your feelings when you feel fear and are very uncomfortable in an aspects of your life. You are at the edge of such wall.

The wall is our safe identity and comfort even though it confines us.

In some areas of our lives, the wall may be several yards away and we may feel more sense of freedom, expansion and joy.

Through awareness, hard work, humility, non-attachment and divine intervention we push these walls farther away.

We may measure our success in life in how large of an area we are walled in compared to others.

We are still walled in.

What would our lives be like if those walls did not have any impact on behavior at all?

Copyright @2019 by Shervin Hojat

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Symphony of My Heart is Available on Amazon

I am very excited to announce availability my latest book,Symphony of My Heart, on Amazon.

Book Description

We seek to experience the divine through our relationships. Our longing to experience the divine starts in childhood through our parents and extends to others as an adult. Through trials and tribulations in our relationships we learn and understand what is important and what brings us ultimate joy.

These poems are meant to connect with you and validate your feelings: the times that you felt excitement, anticipation, longing, bliss, the feeling of a magical dream come true, disappointment of separation and loss, doubt, emptiness, and anger. Each emotion transforms you and points to what you truly seek and desire.

Read when you are in a high or low mood; in pain or joyous. Symphony of My Heart will ignite the hearts of all readers.


Please order a Kindle copy or paper back and enjoy reading the book.




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When Short Term Becomes Permanent

When we are in transition, we may take several short term actions toward our ultimate goal.

Many short term actions may end up becoming permanent without even realizing it.

What are some of the important short term decisions that may become permanent?

  • Where you reside and your environment which is not desirable
  • Your job and career which you may not enjoy at all
  • Expression of your truth and feelings that you hold back not to rock the boat
  • Certain sacrifices you make for short term
  • Physical activity that you may do less for something more urgent
  • Meditation and self-care due to lack of time

If we get distracted or do not get out of short term situations in a reasonable time, we may become comfortable in an uncomfortable situation (we did not plan for) which has many adverse impact on our happiness and health.

It is important to have access to caring friends or good coaches to help us to keep our momentum toward what we truly desire.

Take a look at look at important aspects of your life: career, heath, finance, spirituality and relationship. Which ones are short term and you are looking forward to something more fulfilling?

How long has it been in a short term situation?

What do you need to do to keep moving forward?

Copyright @2019 by Shervin Hojat

Posted in Discovery, Mind, receiving, Rocks | Leave a comment

Prayer and Connection

Couple of days ago, I was reminded that we have free will. That means if we need help, spirit and guides will not interfere until we ask for help first.

That drew me to re-visit and investigate how to connect, communicate and pray effectively.

I found out that you need to be in a state of gratitude (by remembering blessings that you may take for granted) and express what you desire with humility.

This is different than other form of prayers when we are sad, desperate and beg from the spirits or God.

I also realized many of us communicate (with spirit or subconscious) in an undesirable way. We get irritated and we repeat how bad things are. At the best it is a form of venting about problems and not stating what we desire instead. Also, this form of venting lowers our vibration and puts our focus on what we do not want or do not have.

I have found out when I communicate in state of gratitude and humility, I am calmer, more relaxed and things go with ease during the day.

I like to share a prayer that I recite before I go to work. I have several prayers for different aspects of my life.

“Hi Angels, I request the most benevolent outcome at my work today. I like to experience ease, synchronicity, abundance, insight, appreciation, joy and cooperation. This or something better for my highest good. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you”

Do you communicate with the spirit or your guides?

What form of communication brings you the most joy and feeling of connection?

Copyright @2019 by Shervin Hojat


Posted in consciousness, Discovery, Nurturing | 1 Comment

What If You Are Dreaming?

Have you been in a dream and all of sudden you realize that you are dreaming? Then you go along with the dream even though the cautious and scared part of you is very uncomfortable.

You may do many things in the dream that may be appear irresponsible or dangerous in your awake life. You do it because you know it is a dream and you are safe.

Through trial, tribulations and insights you may also come to a point that you see your “awake” life as a dream. Like a dream, you may do things that may appear you do not care about anything.

It is not that you do not care, you are lovingly unattached. You know all the drama in front of you is just a play in a dream. You wisely preserve you energy and not waste it on worry and being fearful.

When you realize that your awake life is just a dream then you can be playful and calm. You can choose where to put your energy into.

What are some factors helping you reach such a realization and insight?

Some factors are: ability to let go of ego, humility and awareness. One of the most important factor is the belief that ‘everything is OK now’ and ‘you are taken care of’.

How would live your life differently if you knew it is just a dream?

Copyright @2019 by Shervin Hojat


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What To Give?

What you give and reasons for giving are very important.

In a previous blog, I discussed expectations associated with giving.

Today, I address issue of what to give.

Consider two scenarios:

  • You give away what you do not need or care for.
  • You give away and share what you care for and appreciate.

Which one of those situations is derived from more love and will bring you more joy and satisfaction?

Look at examples in nature. Animals and plants out of love give away the best of what they have.

Giving always impacts the receiver. Giving is much more meaningful if it also impacts the giver.

Our relationship with what we give is very important.

We need to give away and share what we appreciate and love the most.

  • If time is important to you, volunteer your time.
  • If money is important to you, give your money.
  • If being heard is important, give your time by listening to someone.
  • If being right is important to you, acknowledge someone for being right.
  • If homemade meal is important to you, make a homemade meal for someone.
  • If being at peace is important to you, be peaceful toward someone.
  • If feeling loved is important to you, give love to someone.


Copyright @2018 by Shervin Hojat

Posted in compassion, consciousness, Discovery, Feelings, love | Leave a comment

I am not worthy!!!

Many of us have such a belief.

What are the drawbacks with the belief that you are not worthy?

  • You will not be happy and calm except for few seconds when you accomplish something worthy.
  • You need to prove your worth over and over which is a huge burden.
  • Your decisions are mostly based on lack of worth.
  • Your interaction with others are not balanced.

Also, since your worth is what you do, if someone destroys your work or criticize it you may feel devastated and worthless.

You work hard, sacrifice your health, time and your well-being and go extra mile to feel worthy.

When you reach your goal, you are content for a short time and then you have to start all over to prove you are worthy again by more accomplishments.

It is like a thirsty person that no amount of water extinguish his/her thirst.

Besides being unhappy most of the time, the work you do will be mediocre.

Why? No-one can do a great work while believing they are not worthy.

Some questions to ponder:

  • How such a belief is in your highest good?
  • Can you drop the belief that you are not worthy?
  • What do you have to lose if you change your belief?

Observe the response.

  • Whose voices are those?
  • Who is in change?

Copyright @2018 by Shervin Hojat

Posted in consciousness, Discovery, Feelings, love, Mind, Nurturing, receiving | Leave a comment

When Love Knocks

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ~ Rumi

What will you do if the love you desire knocks on your door today?

At first you may be very excited. Later on, you may reject the love and sabotage it.

How can that happen?

Your fears and doubts kick in:

  • You may feel that you are not worthy of love yet.
  • You may feel you do not have the right body size or enough money.
  • You may feel that you became lucky today; you may not stay lucky tomorrow.
  • You may feel some kinds of strings are attached.
  • You may feel the person deserves someone better.
  • They do not know your weakness and if they did they will not love you; so you may reject them first.
  • You have been hurt before.

This scenario is similar to going to a garden and questioning motivation of flowers or questioning your worthiness or state of mind prior to allowing yourself to enjoy color and smell of flowers.

The amount of love we can receive is proportional to our capacity for love. The more we have stories about ourselves or more conditions we put on the experience, the less capacity we have to experience love.

We delay experiencing love when we hold on to the expectation of shape and form of love that we should experience.

One can enjoy a beautiful flower in the garden at the moment, or can be sad about not having such a garden in their own house, or be sad on how soon those flowers will perish.

In my experience, fear, doubt, holding on to the past, and expectations are obstacles in receiving love.

What are your obstacles in receiving more love?


Copyright @2018 by Shervin Hojat

Posted in consciousness, Discovery, Feelings, love, Nurturing, Rocks | Leave a comment

Your Life Is Precious

You have heard that life is precious and we need to appreciate it.

But why, if most of the time we feel less than great about our lives.

It is because we have taken many things for granted.

Have you thought about odds of you being born? Your parents, grandparents and great grandparents and ancestors had to exist on a suitable planet like Earth to start their lives. They stayed alive despite all the wars, famines and diseases. They met the right person at the right place and time, they liked each other enough and conceived a child who survived childhood. Isn’t your existence unique and worthy of appreciation?

How about a butterfly that you see and take a picture of? Out of 100 butterfly eggs only 1 or 2 become butterfly.  A butterfly needs to be at the right place and time for you to see and take a picture. Isn’t this unique and worthy of appreciation?

How about your pet that you love dearly? How many things had to go right before that unique animal to be alive and stay in your life? Isn’t this unique and worthy of appreciation?

No matter how you are feeling at this moment, many things had to happen to make this feeling possible and so many things had to go right or not so right. How many dangers and disease did you bypass since childhood in order to be here today? What you are feeling by itself is a miracle and is very precious.

Look at your body and how many things working automatically which you really have no control over them. How many things needed to go right so you can wake up this morning and be able to read this article?

That is why your life and your experience are very unique.

You are very unique and the life you are living is very precious.

Copyright @2018 by Shervin Hojat

Posted in consciousness, Discovery, Feelings, love, Mind, Nurturing, receiving | Leave a comment

Safeguard Your Sanctuary

Would you allow bugs to crawl into your room every morning?

I would assume most people you would say, no!

Your room and home is your sanctuary. The bugs may disturb your peace of mind.

Many times, out of habit, we allow fear and anxiety in – without even being aware of them. We allow our sanctuary (heart and mind) to be invaded.

In my experience, social media and news are mostly negative. They are very effective in creating anger and fear.

Last week, I was wondering why I am not as calm as I used to be when I left for work.

I realized that lately, after waking up and before meditation, I quickly checked the news and social media. That was the source of my agitation! I was allowing my sanctuary to be invaded by sources that drained my energy, when I was the most vulnerable.

I stopped my habit of checking news and I felt much calmer afterwards.

This does not mean to cut off from news and social media. It means picking and choosing when to allow them in during the day.

Which of your habits allows your sanctuary to be invaded?

What habits can you let go?

What habits can you start that can bring your more energy and peace?

Copyright @2018 by Shervin Hojat

Posted in consciousness, Discovery, Feelings, Mind, Nurturing | Leave a comment

Trust and Delegate

You have set your goals. You have worked so hard with focus and determination to overcome all the unexpected obstacles. Yet, there are more obstacles. You feel trapped, exhausted and frustrated.

What will you do?

Sometimes you need to delegate and let go.

You have done your best. Now leave it to the Universe for the outcome that is for your highest good. Be open minded on how it will happen.

If you believe and trust that highest good will come to you, you will feel free, feel more relaxed and will be happier. You will sleep better and new ideas may come to you easier without much effort.

Relax, trust and delegate; take some time from controlling every step.

Copyright @2018 by Shervin Hojat


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How To Reduce Suffering

In my experience, steps required to reduce our suffering and allowing more joy in our lives are to feel our emotions and let go of our stories that created those emotions!

What do I mean by this?

If you feel sad, feel your sadness. Do not go around repeatedly telling yourself or others that “you are alone” or “nobody loves you”. Drop the attachment to the story!

We may need to experience sadness, anger, loss or loneliness as part of our soul experience or karma. But it is our choice to hold on to experiencing those feelings and prolonging suffering.

Our thoughts create feelings in us. It does not matter if the thought is accurate or not, the emotion is evoked as the result.

When we with deep emotion we repeat our stories, our subconscious without judgement provides that experience of “you are alone” or “nobody loves you” over and over again. Subconscious does not judge. It just provides you what you are stating with strongest emotion as a life experience.

Next time that you feel sad, feel it deeply!  Drop the reason why you are sad. If you like to say anything, re-direct your subconscious by what you want to experience next.

For example:    People show up in my life who love and appreciate me (instead of I am alone)

I am open and willing to experience love (nobody loves me)

Give this simple concept a try. The best way to know truth of something is to experience it.

Copyright @2018 by Shervin Hojat

Posted in consciousness, Discovery, Feelings, love, Mind, Nurturing | Leave a comment

Tomorrow’s Happiness

Everyone is chasing the illusive tomorrow’s happiness and they have a great plan for being happy in the future. The plan is something like this:

– When I finish my big project then I will be happy

– When my illness ends then I will be happy

– When this weekend comes then I will be happy

The ego mind has an elaborate mechanism to have you chase mirage of tomorrow’s happiness. This kind of conditional happiness, if ever arrives is very short lived.

Your project ends and you are thinking about the next project already before you have experience any happiness. If you are grateful, perhaps you had celebrated end of your project for three minutes!

Your illness ends and you think of what else may go wrong next or what activities you had missed already. You are not experiencing happiness!

Weekend comes and you try to make up for all the sadness during the week, but you are not able to. You are exhausted and by Sunday all you can do is to think about the dreaded Monday!

How to end the mirage of chasing for tomorrow’s happiness?

Happiness is either in this moment or does not exist. Tomorrow is like this present moment which also needs to be fully experienced.

We do not need to deserve happiness or work for happiness to experience happiness. Happiness is our natural state. When we release our beliefs and are connected to our inner Self, happiness is experienced without any effort.

We do not need to run toward mirage of tomorrow’s happiness; the happiness in in front of us and is available to be experienced without any conditions.

What are your beliefs about joy and happiness? Did you today count and felt your blessings?

Copyright @2018 by Shervin Hojat

Posted in consciousness, Discovery, Feelings, love, receiving | Leave a comment

Experiencing Our True Nature

“Awakening is not changing who you are but discarding who you are not.”  Deepak Chopra


By experiencing more of our true nature, we can reduce suffering and experience more joy even while everything outside is in a chaos.

To experience our true nature, we need to remove obstacles to it which are our ego mind, beliefs and associated attachments.

To experience our true Self, we need to empty ourselves from mental notion of who we are, how things should be and experience what is there with humility and desire for truth.

At first we may feel emptiness and void. It may feel like death of what you have known and sacrificed for. It may feel the same as loss of a job, wealth or a loved one.

After that we may have experiences of our true nature and clearly realize the roles we are playing is not us. We realize that we need to play our role the best way we can, but we do not allow it to define our worth or define who we are or attachment to expectation of the outcome.  It is like being a rose; being the best rose we can be without concern for who may look at us, like at us or appreciate us.

Meditation and silence are some tools to remove the obstacles in knowing who you are and experiencing your real Self. It requires courage, letting go of your beliefs and tapping into your inner knowing in the vast emptiness.

I ponder on the following questions before meditation, to take me into emptiness and silence of mind quicker.


Who are you?

Who are you without your degrees?

Who are you without your savings?

Who are you without your job and status?

Who are you without your children and parents?

Who are you without your family and friends?

Who are you without your prized causes and stories?

Who are you without all your important responsibilities?

Who are you without all your worthwhile sacrifices?

Who are you without your fit or unfit body?

Who are you without all your deep hurts?

Who are you without all your fears?

Who are you without your plans and to-do-lists?

Who are you without your good luck charms?

Who are you without all your creative work?

Who are you without all your followers?

Who are you without your prayer books?

Who are you without all your spiritual knowledge?

Who are you without your guru?

Who are you without your busy mind?

Who are you without a known future?

Copyright @2018 by Shervin Hojat

Posted in consciousness, Discovery, Feelings, Mind, Nurturing | Leave a comment

On Authenticity

The first time I heard about being authentic, I thought it was a tactic to find faults with someone!

Over time I have realized being authentic is a natural inner desire and is the home where we love to return to.

Being authentic is an inside job and is about living from heart while discovering who we really are. It is not about condemnation or manipulation.

Through discovery of who we are we may find some behaviors and beliefs that are not authentic. We can replace those with more authentic thoughts and deeds.

Being authentic does not mean being perfect. People may see more flaws in an authentic person because there are less agendas to hide anything. Authentic person makes mistakes and learns from them.

What does it mean to be authentic to you?  Please share.

Being Authentic

Being authentic means looking into mirror of self without condemnation.

Being authentic means telling the truth even if is not politically correct.

Being authentic means not cherry picking the truth.

Being authentic means what you feel and what you say are same.

Being authentic means experiencing and arriving at your own truth.

Being authentic means doing things without guilt or grudge.

Being authentic means not being molded into what others want you to be.

Being authentic means being aware of thoughts and beliefs that may not belong to you.

Being authentic means not being driven by fear.

Being authentic means strong desire in knowing who you are.

Being authentic means strong desire in knowing who you are not.

Being authentic means letting go of your fear based ego.

Being authentic means feeling all your emotions.

Being authentic means being really honest with yourself.

Being authentic means following your heart.

Being authentic means giving without agenda.

Being authentic means knowing your boundary.

Being authentic means being in the moment.

Being authentic means loving yourself.

Being authentic means becoming aware of yourself.

Copyright @2018 by Shervin Hojat

Posted in consciousness, Discovery, Feelings, love, Nurturing | Leave a comment